WOOCS v.2.3.0

About Us

Black Intimate Therapy was birthed in 2017. The business has gone from strength to strength, with expert knowledge identifying customer needs and researching natural herbal solutions to address sexual health issues. Today, BlackITherapy is one of the market’s producers of natural sexual health supplements.

BlackITherapy has been offering the best quality for the best possible results. BlackITherapy prides itself on using only pure high potency ingredients. In comparison to mass produced, processed supplements flooding the market (with many containing nasty added extras), BlackITherapy do not add anything to their pure herb extracts. BlackITherapy guarantee no fillers, no rice powder, no nasties, just pure high potency botanicals.

BlackITherapy provide excellent customer service and this is verified by the five star reviews we receive. Bespoke advice can also be provided via our contact page.

In consultation with our clients, we are able to assess, recommend and develop our supplements for a range of key sexual health issues. The feedback we receive from our clients is invaluable.

Our Values


Whether that’s talking about sex (the good and the bad) or our company (what we’re happy with and what we want to do better).


We do everything in our power to ensure to be inclusive to everyone. We’re always learning, so please help us if we get it wrong!


Sex is meant to be fun! We want pleasure to be part of everything that we do for you — from our products down to our emails.

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