WOOCS v.2.3.0

Frequently Asked Questions

Depending on your location, the delivery time varies. For orders placed within the UK, it will take 1-3days to get delivered. For order placed outside the UK will take 3-14working days. Once your order is confirmed, you will be issued a tracking number to track your package. Although we deliver worldwide, please confirm with us before you place order as to calculate the shipping for the country.

Black intimate therapy products are 100% natural with no side effect.

All packages are packed and shipped discreetly. Your package will look like any other, generic package. Only your name (obligatory) and address are visible on the outside.

A leaflet will be included in your package on directions on how to use the product.

Once payment is confirmed, an automated mail will be sent to your email.

No, payment must be made before order gets processed
We run a confidential service so no third party will be privy of all information exchanged. We listen carefully to each client and give advice we deem fit. We don’t judge

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