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Magic wand (thightener)



Childbirth, age and body elasticity could potentially cause natural loosening of the vagina. This magic wand is used for tightening of the vaginal walls to make sex more enjoyable and also to boost ladies’ confidence.


This Vaginal Tightening Wand is made from unique, pure and selected natural herbs and plants abundantly found in Madura Island in Indonesia, helping moisturize, tighten and revitalize your vagina. The natural healing wand properties derive from its 100% pure, natural, unique ingredients, extracted from rare herbs that have been tried and tested to ensure purity and quality. These herbs have been purified and standardized to ensure product performance, safety, quality and consistency. Do not take the risk your health by using home remedies or synthetic based tightening products. Feel great knowing that your vagina is clean and healthy, while enjoying a better sexual life. The powerful natural ingredients reverses the loss of elasticity and since it has the same properties as a herbal soap with active antibacterial agents, it will also address vaginal discharge, odour issues, improve lubrication and remove harmful bacteria. At the same time, strengthening your vaginal muscle walls, giving them more tone and vigour and allowing for a greater and more fulfilling sexual experience for both your partner and you. Make your vagina tighter than ever naturally without surgery or drugs. Aging and childbirth often lead to discomfort, relaxed vaginal muscles and irritation. The natural healing wand will have an instant effect and tighten your vaginal muscle walls, in less than half an hour and it works for women of all ages.

Use – insert into the VJ , for no more than 3 min, while in make sure you twist and turn the stick every one minute. After 3 minute take a deep breath and take out, wash the stick and your VJ. Do not engage in oral sex the first day of use, not a daily use. Use only when you want to boost your confidence in the bedroom. Store in a dry place and discard after 3months.

Weight 2 kg


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